Neurodevelopment education is a foundational approach to learning, health and wellness.
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Hope and a Future

The Neurodevelopmental Approach The human brain may be the most wonderful thing ever created. It has an unbelievable ability to grow, adapt and overcome disability and injuries. Through neuroplasticity, every child and adult with a learning disability, genetic disorder, or brain injury can grow far beyond the limits of their label. The Neurodevelopmental Approach takes advantage of the plasticity of the brain and helps every individual reach their full God-given potential.

Little Giant Steps exists to offer hope, encouragement, and resources for parents or professionals who want to increase learning efficiency for any child. We also have resources for children with learning difficulties, inefficiencies or labels. See links below.

Neuroplasticity - With I CAN's neurodevelopmental approach: Learning disabilities can be overcome. Learning potential can be unlocked. Attention deficits and hyperactivity can be eliminated without drugs. Processing and short-term memory can be remediated. Sensory dysfunction can be normalized. Long-term memory can be increased.

The Neurodevelopmental Approach The human brain may be the most wonderful thing ever created. It has an unbelievable ability to grow, adapt and overcome disability and injuries. Through neuroplasticity, every child and adult with a learning disability, genetic disorder, or brain injury can grow far beyond the limits of their label. The Neurodevelopmental Approach takes advantage of the plasticity of the brain and helps every individual reach their full God-given potential.